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vision50plusrdc.over-blog.com est un site privé d'information qui a pour objectif de partager des nouvelles d'actualité et des articles de recherche dans le domaine socio-politique , humanitaire , l'environnement , la bio diversité et la santé . il est crée par René BAGALWA Journaliste et consultant indépendant en communication.

South Kivu: The Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of the Congo pleads for the financial support of the central government.

South Kivu: The Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of the Congo pleads for the financial support of the central government.
The provincial president of the Red Cross DRC Mr Desiré YUMA said this Tuesday, May 8 in a press conference held on the sidelines of the commemoration of the World Day of the Red Cross. during this conference, it was discussed to enlighten the opunion on the challenges facing this service and the activities carried out thanks to the collaboration of its partner which is the International Committee of the Red Cross. In South Kivu, many war-wounded and displaced people's relief activities marked this period of humanitarian crisis in the country, particularly in the areas most affected by armed conflict.
South Kivu faces difficulties that do not allow their institution to respond to the needs of the community in a short time. It asks the Congolese government and especially the central government to give special attention to their institution. because the red cross exists and is active before, during and after disasters or wars and other cases of assistance of the secourists'. he took the advantage of calling that in every family gives a secularist volotaire. Note that in South Kivu, the day was celebrated in the concert hall of the Archbishop of Bukavu located on Avenue Mbaki in Ibanda commune.
E-mail: v50plus2015@gmail.com

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